Saturday, February 11, 2012


  This week in science I dissected a giant grass hopper, and a Skate. When dissecting the grasshopper, I noticed that there was less to see on the inside, (compared to the Skate). The grass hopper had an orange inside, and pretty much everything looked the same, while the Skate's insides where easier to identify, because of its  bigger size.
   I learned what dorsal and ventral views are, dorsal view is the view from the back, and ventral is the view from the stomach. Another thing I learned about was the placement of a Skate's body parts. I also learned a Perch' heart is in its head.
  The differences between a Skate and a grass hopper are, that they are different species. The skate is a sea creature, while the grasshopper  is an insect. Dissecting the grasshopper was harder than dissecting the skate because, the grasshoppers body parts were smaller, and more delicate than the skates.

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